Posts tagged with "school"

School's Out Forever

The best thing about grad­u­at­ing uni­ver­si­ty and hav­ing a job is that noth­ing fol­lows me home. For almost all of my life, up until this point, I felt like a slave to home­work, projects, and tests. I’d nev­er have a week­end where I could just relax, and not think about the next thing that I should be work­ing on. Even in the sum­mers I felt guilty for not get­ting a head start on next years mate­r­i­al.

Now it’s just pure relax­ation. No more wor­ry about fail­ing some­thing or run­ning out of mon­ey. The only thing left to work on is me, and I have the rest of my life for that.

One Out Of Two Ain't Bad

Just fin­ished writ­ing my eco­nom­ics exam. I found out last night that the exam was at 9:00 am instead of 2:00 pm. Usually, I make a last minute check of the sched­ule before I go to sleep the day before, so it was a shock. The last few hours before an exam are inte­gral in my abil­i­ty to pass, so my plan to study with Aaron basi­cal­ly fell through.

I have no idea how well I did though. Going in, I was think­ing that it would be a sure fail, but I end­ed up con­fi­dent­ly answer­ing the major­i­ty of the ques­tions. I only read through the mate­r­i­al once, and did­n’t do any review. If I do some­how end up pass­ing this course, than either:

  • I can remem­ber 90% of what I under­stand or
  • eco­nom­ics is a real­ly easy pro­gram com­pared to comp sci, or
  • first year cours­es are extreme­ly sim­ple after pass­ing fourth year ones, or
  • there was some sort of divine inter­ven­tion

I’ve decid­ed that just pass­ing one of my cours­es will my sat­is­fy­ing. That way the term won’t be a com­plete waste.

But I Should Really Be Studying Instead Of Writing This

I’m almost cer­tain that I’ll be fail­ing the class­es I’ve tak­en this term. The exams are in a few days, and I only start­ed study­ing, no, learn­ing the mate­r­i­al yes­ter­day. It just seems so point­less to try pass­ing a class when the cred­its will expire any­way. Sure, they don’t expire for a few years, but I don’t plan on going back to school with­in the next decade, if ever. This would­n’t be a wor­ry if I was­n’t work­ing almost full-time and mov­ing in the same week, but that does­n’t real­ly seem to mat­ter. I have a his­to­ry of fail­ing stuff at the right time. The two core cours­es I failed dur­ing my comp sci degree did­n’t hold me back and I was able to make them up with­out a hitch. Now I’ll be fail­ing two cours­es I don’t need. As long as I try my hard­est to pass, giv­en the cir­cum­stances, I won’t feel guilty what­ev­er the out­come.

Post Graduate Business

I’m insane­ly busy. I have two exams next week, both of which I haven’t start­ed study­ing for yet. Actually I haven’t even been to class in about a month. Once I found out that my cred­its would expire in a few years, I lost all desire to do well, since I don’t plan on going back to school in a few years. I’m also mov­ing next week­end, and have only packed three box­es so far. Things just keep pop­ping up. Table ten­nis ses­sions, pot lucks, bar­be­cues, unex­pect­ed phone calls, blah blah blah. For once, I wish that I had a week­end to myself, where I could relax and read.

As Long As I Pass

I can’t study with­out rewards. This may pos­si­bly be the fault of my par­ents, telling me from an ear­ly age that I’d earn some­thing for every spelling test I got per­fect. I told some of my class­mates at the time, who would earn noth­ing but the pal­try praise of their par­ents, and they rather pre­co­cious­ly told me that such a sys­tem was unhealthy. Of course, I was too young to under­stand such things at the time, and now I find myself unable to be moti­vat­ed to study with­out think­ing that I’ll get to do some­thing fun as a break.

I’ve been try­ing to study for my account­ing mid-term all week, and could­n’t actu­al­ly get start­ed until I knew that there was some­thing enter­tain­ing I could do. At first it was play­ing Chrono Cross, but my emu­la­tor was just too bug­gy. Then it was try­ing to make a new back­ground, but it end­ed up being too much think­ing for a break. I moved onto Uru, and I’ve been play­ing it ever since. I have to admit that there are worlds that com­plete­ly take my breath away. It’s one of the few games that real­ly make me appre­ci­ate a high-end GPU. I wish I could be play­ing with Trolley, but I rather like being able to solve the puz­zles by myself. I’m always, always, ALWAYS the slow­est one in fig­ur­ing things out, and nev­er the one who gets the answer if I’m play­ing in a group.