Posts tagged with "France"

France, Day 10: Paris

coucou les amis,

comme je l’ai déjà sig­nalé, nous organ­isons donc un petit apéro (et il y aura des trucs à grig­not­er par la suite) ven­dre­di prochain à par­tir de 19h et ça sera avec grand plaisir de vous accueil­lir tous.

les enfants sont les bien­venus bien sûr.

ça sera non seule­ment l’oc­ca­sion de vous présen­ter Jeff, le vidéaste cana­di­en avec lequel je tra­vaille et de lui dire au revoir car il par­ti­ra same­di pour l’é­cosse mais égale­ment un bon pré­texte pour se retrou­ver entre amis afin de clô­tur­er la semaine comme il le faut! ;-)

alors au plaisir de vous voir tous ven­dre­di prochain,
karin et olivi­er”


This shop had some of the most unique mac­a­roon flavours I’ve ever tast­ed, Earl Grey and bub­ble gum being two of my favourites. Very fresh and rich and mouth-water­ing­ly good.

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France, Day 9: Paris

My time here is com­ing to an end, and I start to won­der more and more what the prac­ti­cal­i­ties are of me mov­ing here. Karin asked if I miss any­thing about home (before already giv­ing me one answer, my cat). I thought about it, and decid­ed that I do miss days in my paja­mas where I sat around doing noth­ing, and the smell of my gui­tar.

creme caramel


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France, Day 8: Paris

I final­ly got to expe­ri­ence a Paris night1, walk­ing back to the hotel at 2:30 in the morn­ing. I thought Paris nev­er slept the way New York nev­er does, but the streets were most­ly emp­ty, save for a few cou­ples still drink­ing at the only bistros still open. It’s a won­der­ful inter­lude of calm amidst the din dur­ing the day.

The weath­er has turned love­ly, clos­er to 20°C and much less oppres­sive than the last week. The only prob­lem is that depend­ing on the way clouds move, it can alter­nate between warm and brisk quite quick­ly, so an extra hood­ie or sweater becomes a neces­si­ty. Today, the low tem­per­a­ture in Ottawa is high­er than the peak in Paris, and I’m glad to be here instead of there.

on the move

On the go. Paris is a fast city, and Parisian’s dif­fi­cult to cap­ture.

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  1. Last time I stayed in Chartres and only made day trips to Paris. []

France, Day 7: Paris

We filmed one of the most amaz­ing sub­jects today. Our top­ics have been exact­ly the things I’d want to expe­ri­ence if I was in a new city. I’ve only been here a week, but it feels more like a month cause I’ve seen and done so much.

Paris is such a cos­mopoli­tan city. Every region of France has their own spe­cial­ty — whether it’s a cheese, wine, fruit, or pas­try — but Paris has them all. The more I get to know it, the more it reminds me of Hong Kong: dirty1, busy, small, crowd­ed, old, loud, and absolute­ly charm­ing.

apple chausson

Apple chaus­son, a spe­cial­ty of the bak­ery, made with half a fresh apple baked inside instead of apple­sauce which is what most bak­eries do.

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  1. There’s dog shit on almost every side­walk, and men both young and old have no prob­lem pulling their pants down and pee­ing on the side of the street. []