Posts tagged with "D/s lifestyle"

It's a D/s Life: A Cautionary Note

Sometimes I have to take a step back, and look at things as I did for the first time. I have to keep in mind that one of the most impor­tant aspects of this lifestyle is con­sent. That pow­er flows from the bot­tom up, not the top down.

That I should­n’t over­step my bound­aries. That in time, more trust will devel­op, and the rela­tion­ship will grow, and the bound­aries will extend. That with this comes inti­ma­cy, strength, and pos­si­bly love.

That even with all the respon­si­bil­i­ty, trust, and faith I’ve been giv­en, I must retain my humil­i­ty. That pow­er does not need to be exert­ed to be felt.

That I had none of this, and have been giv­en every­thing.

It's a D/s Life: A Beginning

I haven’t writ­ten a con­tem­pla­tion entry in ages. Things have been pushed aside to make way for new explo­ration and com­pre­hen­sion.

For so long, I’ve tried to wait before writ­ing about this. My inex­pe­ri­ence, and pos­si­bly even inse­cu­ri­ties, have caused me to approach this sub­ject slow­ly and care­ful­ly. Every day a new idea, a new under­stand­ing, a new emo­tion, a new strength. I’ve felt as if I’ve known so lit­tle, but am now begin­ning to make progress in my learn­ing, am now begin­ning to under­stand the immen­si­ty of this lifestyle.

Now, there are now too many thoughts to go with­out record, and I must write.