Posts tagged with "assumption"

Mute And Muse

Assume as nec­es­sary.

Why is it so polit­i­cal­ly incor­rect to show your feel­ings? Would it be inap­pro­pri­ate to tell you that I’m in love?

That your dim­ples are like hinges that purse your lips in the most adorable way, and I want to kiss them. That I want to have you here next to me, to feel the weight of your body press­ing against mine. That I want to smell you on my fin­gers, I want to fold my sheets around you, I want to feel your curls under my hands as I lath­er and rinse.

Because I’m sick of being polite and I’m tired of pro­pri­ety.

So let’s deal with this attrac­tion. Let’s not ignore what’s between us.

No Stupid Questions

Sometimes I ask ques­tions that oth­ers con­sid­er to be stu­pid. That’s usu­al­ly because I don’t make any assump­tions, and the last thing that I want to do is offend or annoy some­one. For exam­ple, I may ask to use the bath­room if I’m a guest at some­one’s house. Some peo­ple give me a look as if I’ve just asked them to take a dump on my chest, then they give me a slow, exag­ger­at­ed “yeeeees” in a tone that makes the answer seem like it should be an extreme­ly obvi­ous thing. To them, the point is obvi­ous; I’m a friend, and of course I can use the facil­i­ties. It’s some­thing that they feel I should­n’t have to ask. But I have no idea whether or not some­one is uncom­fort­able about me using a cer­tain bath­room cause it’s dirty (which has hap­pened in the past), or whether one of the bath­rooms is out of order (some­thing I’d rather avoid before I find out too late), or even if they’re try­ing to cross-breed bankeys by con­fin­ing bats and mon­keys in an ensuite and hop­ing they mate (which I assume will nev­er hap­pen). Usually, just going for the bath­room is not a chance I’m will­ing to take, as with many oth­er things. I’d rather ask first, because there’s the chance that I may make a step out of place (and in cas­es like these, it’s bet­ter to not step than to back­track). But when peo­ple start treat­ing me like I’m stu­pid for ask­ing these ques­tions, some­times I feel like just say­ing, “fuck it”, and not wor­ry­ing about the con­se­quences.