Protected: Two Halves Of A Whole Man

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I just want fucking makeouts

I drove home from class tonight with the win­dows down and the music cranked. It’s not the songs, it’s not the singing, it’s not the speed, it’s the air that affects you. That smell.

The Operation by Charlotte Gainsbourg is the ulti­mate night-time dri­ving track when you’re feel­ing sin­gle and elec­tri­fied.1 The base­line dri­ves you.

I had The Operation by Charlotte Gainsbourg play­ing here.

i want to explore you
i’m gonna get under your skin
so you can feel me run­ning through your veins

i want to exam­ine
every inch of your frame
the pres­sure points that cause your joy and pain

When I got home, I show­ered, got into in my PJs, took Dolly in my arms, and stood out on the patio. I want­ed her to feel what I was feel­ing under that night sky. She clung to my arms, but did­n’t make a sound. It was unlike her, because any time Dolly gets picked up she imme­di­ate­ly begins purring. The night was too much for her.

I think it’s too much for me some­times.

For now, I’ll live vic­ar­i­ous­ly through Maggie. Except I won’t be get­ting drunk on Sparks (the orange kind), I won’t be going danc­ing, I’ll just keep run­ning into my crush­es at every turn, and I’ll keep meet­ing the ass­hole, idiot guys they go out with. And like Maggie, I’ll refuse to be that guy. The one who talks shit about oth­er guys, the one who floss­es his cash mon­ey, the one who dri­ves fast to prove he’s got a dick.

Yes, I’m break­ing my post order because of Maggie. It’s like she made me write this. I would total­ly hoola­hoop and make Dragon Ball Z pos­es with her. I just found out that I don’t know how to spell hoola­hoop. Hula hoop. There we go.

Maybe this dry spell is mak­ing me loopy.

I think I’ll sleep with the win­dows open tonight.

  1. This song won’t be up for long; I’m tak­ing it down in a cou­ple days. []

The Dress

Playing with food

Thumbnail: Back and hands
Thumbnail: Dress stripes
Thumbnail: Back and shoulder
Thumbnail: Curves on a waist
Thumbnail: Ring and fingers

I love this dress.

I love the colours. I love the palette. I love the stripes. I love how they go from thick to thin.

I love how she wears it. I love how it hugs her body. I love how it leads the eye along her curves.

I love how I love this dress.

The Essence Of Spring Nights

Me in a toque

Go out­side. Right now.

It’s dark. It’s cool. It’s breezy. Grass has replaced the snow. Walking down­town, the smell of shawar­ma from every Lebanese restau­rant, the peo­ple shed­ding their coats, the sur­fac­ing skin, it’s as if the world is bloom­ing while the sun has set.

All I want is for you to be here with me. To share this moment with you.

It’s a pity to be alone on nights like this.

Finishing Last

At least this means I’m a nice guy.