Sketches from Europe

A few moments from my trip that did­n’t fit in any­where else, but moments filled with life, con­nec­tions, wit, and joy nonethe­less.

Watching this only makes me miss France, Britain, and all the peo­ple there even more. Maybe I’ll get to see them again soon.


  1. As some­one miss­ing Europe very much, this video is a sol­id hit to the nos­tal­gia-bone. Thanks very much.

  2. This is so dear. Particularly the hop­ping Canadian part x D.

    I real­ly wish you’d held a few sec­onds longer on the com­pli­cat­ed shots like the train sta­tion — so much to look at so quick­ly — but I real­ize it’s hard to find places to trim when there’s so much won­der­ful stuff you want to fit in… love­ly, per­fect song as well.

    • The shots out of mov­ing win­dows were all par­tic­u­lar­ly dif­fi­cult: either the ter­rain was mun­dane, or the train/bus/car was bumpy and jar­ring. At first I had a lot footage that kind of footage, but as you said it was just too much com­pared to the suc­cinct­ness of the oth­er clips and did­n’t fit into a sto­ry.

  3. Un chef d’oeu­vre intime et mag­in­fique, mon cher Jeff.
    Merci pour ton tal­ent !

  4. Without spelling mis­takes :

    Un chef d’oeuvre intime et mag­nifique, mon cher Jeff.
    Merci pour ton tal­ent !

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