Monthly Archives: November 2010


Watched an old crush get mar­ried today.

There was­n’t a hint of pre­ten­tious­ness in her face. She was nev­er pos­ing, nev­er reserved. Atop a sim­ple wed­ding dress — which she once told me her mom was sav­ing for her to be mar­ried in one day — she wore the taught smile that always scrunched up her cheeks.

Ten years lat­er, and she still has the same hair: short, sandy, with curls part­ed in the mid­dle. She was one of those peo­ple who did all her grow­ing in high-school. By the time I met her, she was already the per­son she was going to be for the rest of her life.

And that was okay, cause she was already great.