life being what it is

Darren came up from Toronto for a vis­it over the long week­end.

These ses­sions always ful­fill my quo­ta of rela­tion­ship talk. When one admits to not want­i­ng to be in a rela­tion­ship, this is fol­lowed nat­u­ral­ly by the ques­tion, “Would you go for it if you found the per­fect one right now?” from the oth­er. Then in return, “If she came back to you and said she want­ed to try again, but you only had a 50–50 per­cent chance of suc­cess, would you go for it?”

In our lit­tle duet, our philo­soph­i­cal col­lab­o­ra­tion, love is always a theme. No one else chal­lenges our psy­ches in this regard.

Trivial Pursuit night


We stayed in most of the time, but stepped out of the house for Jex’s Trivial Pursuit night at her co-op apart­ment, along with home­made piz­za, key lime cook­ies, and bread and cheese plat­ters.

Also, watched Thirst, which was quite an excel­lent sto­ry about a Korean vam­pire hor­ror love tri­an­gle. A wel­come relief from all the pre­dictable trite that’s in Hollywood nowa­days.

Nerd appetizers

Nerd appe­tiz­ers, to go with the aper­i­tifs. This means guar­an­teed tongue burn.

It was a bril­liant week­end, filled with ice cream, sum­mer heat, defeat­ing boss­es on the Gamecube, fig­ur­ing out chords to The Knife songs, gaz­ing at the craters of the moon through a mod­i­fied achro­mats, and plen­ty of debauch­ery.

apples and grapes


To expand on a recent entry: I have no need of hope. I don’t need some­thing to look for­ward to in the future.

I have this, now, and it’s enough.


  1. This meal sounds so fun and so cuck­oo. (i.e. a bit mis­matched but inter­est­ing)

    I used to have friends who gath­ered every week for one-col­or meals. Every item served has to be the cho­sen col­or. They actu­al­ly can be worked out very well, par­tic­u­lar­ly yel­low and pur­ple…

    Contentment is a strange and won­der­ful thing eh.

    • The Nerds were Jex’s idea, I can’t take cred­it for it. I only take cred­it for eat­ing as many of them as I could before my tongue start­ed going numb.

      That one-colour meal is an amaz­ing idea. I need to orga­nize some­thing like that with my friends, but we’re all so busy that our sched­ules rarely match up nowa­days.

  2. This post makes me wish for a long week­end with my best friend in Virginia. We have almost the exact same con­ver­sa­tions, do a lit­tle gos­sip­ing and then rem­i­nisce about the old days.…..sigh.….the only dif­fer­ence is the pres­ence of mar­gar­i­tas :)

    • That’s fun­ny, cause I can’t imag­ine any “good old days”. Either because I haven’t real­ly had any worth rem­i­nisc­ing about in such a fash­ion, or because I believe life will only get bet­ter.

      But I do take as many pho­tos as I can in case I rem­i­nisce about times like this in the future. There are so many mem­o­ries I would I could have kept in kodachrome colour.

  3. Figuring out chords to the knife songs — Have you heard the Jose Gonzalez cov­er of Heartbeats?

    • I have actu­al­ly, and I quite enjoy that ver­sion.

  4. I love the new wider lay­out. It’s much eas­i­er to read.

    I miss my best friend, too. I wish she and I could talk more. She’s my soul­mate; I’m con­vinced of it.

    • Hahahahh, a same-sex soul­mate. Some of my friends think John is my ver­sion of that.

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