Aaron and Ryan: Portrait Test

Thumbnail: Aaron and Ryan portrait

Thumbnail: Aaron and Ryan portrait

Aaron came over with Ryan for break­fast one morn­ing, and it gave me a chance to use them as mod­els to try some of the tech­niques I learned from Sid when I was in New Hampshire. I still had to do some work in Photoshop to keep the mid­point where I want­ed, but it was still quite min­i­mal com­pared to my work with colour late­ly. This type of por­trai­ture is very dif­fer­ent from what I nor­mal­ly do, where instead of using an out-of-focus back­ground to make the sub­ject stand out, I’m using the con­trast of light.

I turned on Chicken Run to keep Ryan occu­pied while we ate, and Aaron kept get­ting dis­tract­ed by it as much as he did. For a moment, I could­n’t tell if it was the son who took after the father, or vice ver­sa.


  1. Would love to hear about how you are doing the light­ing for these por­traits. I love how that looks :)

    • I used one off-cam­era flash as a slave and one on-cam­era flash to trig­ger as mas­ter. The flash was set on man­u­al, at 1/1.

      Then I dialed up the aper­ture to around f/8 to f/16 and set the shut­ter speed to 1/160. Then you can change the shut­ter speed to adjust the expo­sure of the sub­ject, and change the aper­ture to dark­en or light­en the back­ground. The key is find­ing the bal­ance that makes the sub­ject exposed cor­rect­ly, while the back­ground is dra­mat­i­cal­ly under­ex­posed. Your his­togram is going to be most­ly to the left.

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