Monthly Archives: March 2010

Linger On

Love is the foun­da­tion of my uni­verse. To believe in it is to believe in oth­er fun­da­men­tal truths, like grav­i­ty, and the fact that my penis has stopped grow­ing.

That’s why it’s so hard for me to let go.

Because the moment I let go is the moment I stop believ­ing in love. I’d much rather fool myself into think­ing this loy­al, faith­ful tenac­i­ty will make a dif­fer­ence, than believe the world isn’t kind and fair. Cause I know it’s cru­el and unfair. I just don’t want to believe that.

And that’s why I still believe in us.

On Being 5'4" and Weighing 115 lbs

  • Her: Does it both­er you that I’m taller?
  • Me: Hah. No.
  • Me: I nev­er under­stood why a guy would feel that way.
  • Her: Good good.
  • Me: Usually it both­ers girls that I’m short­er.
  • Her: I don’t care at all.
  • Her: Do you care that I prob­a­bly weigh more than you as well?
  • Me: Hahahahh, every­one weighs more than me.
  • Me: Trust me.
  • Her: Hahah, I’m just say­ing!!!
  • Me: I’m super light.
  • Me: Why, does it nor­mal­ly both­er oth­er guys if you’re heav­ier?
  • Her: Yeah for sure, I mean I don’t care one way or another…its their prob­lem not mine, they’re the ones miss­ing out.
  • Me: Well if I only dat­ed girls who were lighter than me, I could­n’t date any­one old­er than 14.

Sky Watcher

Thumbnail: Moon

Tonight, I saw the moon in my tele­scope. If it was a full moon, it would have filled the eye­piece. I could study the craters, the land­marks, and the pat­terns of dust on the sur­face. I grabbed my cam­era with a mod­est­ly long 100mm lens, mount­ed it on my new tri­pod, and took a pic­ture. Unless I get a lens with a longer focal length, it’s the best I’ll ever get in cap­tur­ing the moon with a sen­sor1.

It was a great night for observ­ing, the fore­cast said, with no cloud cov­er, good trans­paren­cy2, good see­ing3, and decent dark­ness. I had my warmest clothes on, as I was warned that com­fort and moti­va­tion are some of the most impor­tant things in obser­va­tion­al astron­o­my.

I used a crater on the moon to cal­i­brate my red-dot find­er­scope. Then I used the find­er­scope to fol­low the arm of the big dip­per to Arcturus, the curve of which led me to Saturn, just under Denebola and in the con­stel­la­tion Virgo this year.

With the naked eye, Saturn looks like anoth­er bright star, but at 100x mag­ni­fi­ca­tion, Saturn becomes a small and sharp sphere. The rings were clean but indis­tin­guish­able from each oth­er, with the gas giant cast­ing a dra­mat­ic shad­ow across them.

I looked 68 min­utes into the past4, until Saturn slow­ly drift­ed out of view.

  1. I have no plans on get­ting into prime focus astropho­tog­ra­phy — in which the tele­scope is used as a lens — because the astron­o­my equip­ment required is much more expen­sive. []
  2. Calculated from the amount of water vapour in the air. []
  3. Estimated from tur­bu­lence and tem­per­a­ture dif­fer­ences in the atmos­phere. []
  4. Saturn was 8.505AU or 1,272,330,990km away, which takes about 4080 sec­onds for the light to hit our eyes from there. []