Oh my fuck

Remember how I was all like I can’t stop lis­ten­ing to Love and Greed, and it’s not even the best song on the album? But I nev­er men­tioned the best song on the album, which is Violet’s Constellations, here:

So Darren sent me this e‑mail today:

from: Darren
to: Jeff
sub­ject: i don’t real­ly know

he says whereeeeee where are you­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­uu he says where are you goooooo-annnnnn!!!!!!!!!!


I’m gonna go see Magneta Lane with Jeff on Feb. 12 ion toron­to

CF a lit­tle lat­er? I’m wait­ing for some guy to release some shares online

And the sub­ject + first line are the lyrics in the best part of Violet’s Constellations in the last verse, when Lexi is singing as the key­board kicks in again.

This is how in tune I am with Darren.

And then news of them IN CONCERT, when I had to miss the Blonde Redhead con­cert in Toronto last time to take part in Pat and Jen’s wed­ding rehearsal. I’ll def­i­nite­ly be tak­ing the day off to join them this time around. Maybe vis­it my dad too, since that’s his birth­day.

(Isn’t it insane that out of 2384 posts I have right now, I can remem­ber the entries for these spe­cif­ic events?)


  1. Oh my fuck”, huh? Pretty orig­i­nal for a ver­bal ejac­u­la­tion. I’m going to have to incor­po­rate that into my dai­ly con­ver­sa­tions now.

    • Hah, I usu­al­ly use that when it’s not quite a big, open sur­prise, but a qui­et, sub­dued sur­prise.

  2. I too love Violet’s Constellations. I want­ed the lyrics but they were not online. So I asked them on Facebook and Lexi Printed them out and wrote me a note and signed it apol­o­giz­ing for her shit­ty gram­mar. I just love them!!

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