Grandma and Her Parrot

Grandma loves her par­rot. We car­ry it around for her, and she sleeps with it on her bed­side table. Whenever she talks to it, I can nev­er real­ly tell if she real­ly is talk­ing to her par­rot in an act of senil­i­ty, or whether she does it to humour us.

A note on the trans­la­tion: The name “Fat Bird” is real­ly “Fat Woman Parrot” in Chinese. The word “par­rot” is a homonym for the last part of grand­ma’s name, so “Fat Woman Parrot” sounds like it’s refer­ring to her as well. That’s how she got her nick­name as “Fat Woman”.

This is grand­ma on a good day. I love to see her smile and laugh.


  1. What a sweet exchange. She seems to be hav­ing a light moment, whether amus­ing her­self or enter­tain­ing you all.

    • Yep…this is prob­a­bly my favourite out of all the videos I took.

  2. I think she knows. My mom had cats (real ones) that got left with a sis­ter once she was ill, and so stuffed ani­mal cats took their place in the hos­pi­tal. Stuffed ani­mals real­ly have a more inter­est­ing role in human life, huh?.

    • Especially ones that repeat what peo­ple say!

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