Hong Kong Humidity

Difference in Hong Kong and Ottawa weather

One of the notable dif­fer­ences here is the humid­i­ty. The pages of my book are begin­ning to wrin­kle. Towels don’t dry when they’re hung on a line. Even though it’s 20°C out­side, it feels more like 15°C because it’s so damp. Humidity is some­thing that Hong Kong is known for, as it’s sur­round­ed by water and filled with tall build­ings. It makes me won­der how peo­ple deal with mold in their hous­es.

Ironically, it “rained” two days in a row, but the rain was so weak that I had to ask oth­ers if they felt the droplets. Very dif­fer­ent from Ottawa, where rain­fall goes beyond obvi­ous, and can last for days on end.


    • Trust me, I’d rather the weath­er of Ottawa than Hong Kong right now. But that’s because I’ve always pre­ferred the cold over the heat.

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