Krista and Shane at 160 Workshops

This was by far the best con­cert I’ve ever been to in my life, and not just because Shane ded­i­cat­ed It’s A Drag to me and Julie (although that was TOTALLY AWESOME).

It was the inti­mate set­ting, chill atmos­phere and awe­some music that made it unlike any oth­er per­for­mance I’ve attend­ed. This pri­vate show was at 160 Workshops, a house that reg­u­lar­ly opens its doors for craft work­shops to bring peo­ple togeth­er in the Ottawa com­mu­ni­ty.

Shane’s songs are always best in small venues like this. They’re per­son­al and sub­tly strik­ing, and the acoustic sound real­ly brings that warmth across.

Shane did a mix of old and new mate­r­i­al, then took requests from audi­ence mem­bers, along with some par­tic­i­pa­tion on vocals, spoons, and cow­bell. There also hap­pened to be Canadian nerd­core rap­per Jesse Dangerously in atten­dance, and after some prod­ding, he pro­vid­ed rhymes for Girls by the Beastie Boys, along with beat­box­ing back­ground per­cus­sion for Les Ouaouarons.

And, of course, Krista Muir (aka Lederhosen Lucil) was the head­lin­er, pro­mot­ing her new full-length album, Accidental Railway. The album includes a huge map for a fic­tion­al town that Shane made, with names of streets and places tak­en from mem­o­ries of their tour togeth­er.

Other shows with Krista Muir and Shane Watt

  1. At the Workshop Studio & Boutique
  2. At Le Petit Salon des Arts
  3. At Irene’s Pub
  4. At 160 Workshops


  1. YAY!!!

    That was great! I’ve been want­i­ng to relive that Beasty Boys per­for­mance for months now. So glad you post­ed those!

    • That’s why I record these things. I love expe­ri­enc­ing them over again. :)

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