Winter Transit Ride

By now, I’ll have spent twice as much time on this bus than in class.

Through the win­dows, the world is streaked and mud­dy, and it looks like god has turned on the lights out­side, it’s so bright. These goose­bumps aren’t from the cold. It’s the music, loud and full in the ears, that shiv­ers.

The home­less ask for quar­ters with an apol­o­gy for inter­rupt­ing your music. It’s as if the cold has turned their bit­ter­ness to des­per­a­tion, and we get a lit­tle polite­ness in return. No sign of my lost girl, just a man in her spot with too many bags, a frumpy hat, and two old paper­backs that he nev­er opens.

My socks are soaked through at the ankles, and all I can think of is how good it’ll feel to peel them off and jump in the show­er. Or how good my won­ton soup will taste when I even­tu­al­ly get home. Or how con­ve­nient it’ll be to just take off and dri­ve next time, instead of wait­ing out­side for the bus.

I may be wet and cold, but I’m going some­where nice. That’s enough to keep the spir­it warm.

I miss this. I miss being alone among peo­ple. I miss being forced to read, or write, or do noth­ing.

I don’t do this often enough.


  1. Yeah.

    I miss being alone, sim­ply alone and not hav­ing an idea or hav­ing to do any­thing or be any­where. Just be.

    • Sometimes, you have to force your­self to do it. If there wasn’t a major snow­fall or I had win­ter tires, I prob­a­bly wouldn’t have done it myself.

  2. I think that’s the largest thing indus­tri­al­ized soci­ety steals from us.

    We end up fit­ting into a greater com­mer­i­cal sched­ule and even when we go on vaca­tion, there’s a feel­ing we’re nev­er real­ly able to part with some­one else’s plan for us. The free­dom to just SIT and write for while; or even to just fol­low the rhythm of sea­sons, (like hav­ing a mad pan­ic har­vest time or a sleepy win­ter snow day) just does­n’t exist any­more. We’re just sup­posed to march off to the same bells every day, every day.

    At least it makes us val­ue what times we can man­age to steal.

    • Very true about the vaca­tion. I’m always wor­ried that some­thing at work is break­ing, and they won’t be able to fix it with­out me there. Valuing the time we have almost works back­wards for me, because I’m think­ing there’s some­thing bet­ter that I should be doing, either because it’s more effi­cient or more fun.

  3. You have been invit­ed to The 1st Annual Ottawa Blogger Virtual Christmas Party!

    This vir­tu­al event is tak­ing place on December 16th 2008.

    For more infor­ma­tion on this event, please vis­it the blog.

    We hope to see you there!

    A & J

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