Awkward Brunch

The time my words dig a hole out of which my best friend must climb.

If you pay spe­cial atten­tion at 1:21, you can see ____’s face when he sub­tly shakes his head as if to com­mu­ni­cate to me, YOU ARE MAKING IT WORSE.


  1. Haha! Man, the ten­sion could have been cut with a knife! I bet you got an ear­ful after :D

  2. Oh man!

    Whatever hap­pened to bros before hos? lol

    you played your friend, but it was­n’t on pur­pose, so that counts for some­thing! :)

  3. @trolley — Actually, I dug myself into a sim­i­lar hole short­ly after, so it was all good cause John was­n’t alone down there. :)

    @Zaira — I think it makes it worse that it was­n’t on pur­pose! At least if it was on pur­pose, there would be a joc­u­lar rea­son for say­ing what I said.

  4. What John SHOULD have done (but maybe he’s so young he nev­er saw it) was men­tion the scene from LOVE STORY where Ryan O’Neal is read­ing in Allie McGraw’s arms on the couch and he looks up in a mar­vel­ling way and says: “I’m STUDYing. I’m REALLY STUDYING!!” because for the first time he is con­tent enough to be focused on some­thing oth­er than girls and goof­ing around.

    Of course that would­n’t make for such an amus­ing video.

  5. I saw Love Story just a month ago, and I know exact­ly the scene you’re talk­ing about. John has­n’t though, and while it’s unfor­tu­nate for him that he did­n’t learn this excuse, it’s for­tu­nate for us that we get the amuse­ment of see­ing how he deals with the sit­u­a­tion.

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