Every Sadness is Unique

Which is why we can nev­er tru­ly pre­pare our­selves. We may see it com­ing, we may under­stand why, but that nev­er makes it any eas­i­er.

Every tear is an enti­ty. An expres­sion that swells to escape our bod­ies.

Every day is a chance to heal.


  1. This is beau­ti­ful. Though acknowl­edg­ing a deeply mov­ing emo­tion, it ends with hope.

    I think this speaks vol­umes of how far you have come emo­tion­al­ly and men­tal­ly.

    I have yet to attain this men­tal beau­ty, but I can get there, if I con­tin­ue to focus on what makes me hope­ful and grate­ful. If I believe the uni­verse will hear me when I say pos­i­tiv­i­ty will come, then the Universe will hear and dole accord­ing­ly…

  2. The uni­verse works in its own way. It’s our job to accept or fig­ure out how to deal with what comes. Your words have remind­ed me of this. Thank you.

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