Baby Face

Baby on shoulder

Thumbnail: Baby pout
Thumbnail: Baby furrow
Thumbnail: Baby yawns
Thumbnail: Baby wants beer
Thumbnail: Baby glances to the side
Thumbnail: Baby pensive
Thumbnail: Baby sleeping

Babies seem to have a dif­fer­ent expres­sion every sec­ond, and the expres­sions are so inno­cent. They hide noth­ing. I like to think each expres­sion reveals the drift­ing thoughts going on in their tiny lit­tle brains. Rather dif­fi­cult to pho­to­graph because the face they wear when you press the shut­ter release but­ton is invari­ably dif­fer­ent from the one you get.

Rosella here is half-Persian, half-Caucasian. Aside from being so cute you could chew her cheeks off, you can already tell how beau­ti­ful her mixed blood is going to make her.


  1. As ridicu­lous as it sounds, I real­ly want to have a child that some­times I feel that I would­n’t care much about not hav­ing the father around (unless I know he’d be a good father)…you have no idea how much I love it when I see a child with his/her parents…how peace­ful, how refresh­ing, how pre­cious the feel­ing of being a par­ent must be. You get to see them when they’re hap­py, sad, hav­ing fun­ny ges­tures on their faces. I liked it when you said: “they hide noth­ing” because I nev­er thought about them this way. Rosella is so cute, if she’d be sleep­ing near me right now, I would have kissed her soft­ly on one of her inno­cent eyes.

  2. Wow, I usu­al­ly find white babies com­plete­ly chub­by-ooky, but this one is tru­ly sweet and very pret­ty. Lucky lit­tle girl, I think.

    What is up with this YEAR? Everyone I KNOW is hav­ing babies… It’s odd.

  3. @Sarah — That is rather strange to assume some­one would­n’t be a good father. The thing I like about see­ing a child with his/her par­ents (first time par­ents espe­cial­ly) is how they treat their baby with such atten­tion, as if it’s the only the in the world that mat­ters.

    @Xibee — Is chub­by-ooky a good thing? For me, it’s mar­riages all round.

  4. Ahh she’s so cute, those eyes are breath­tak­ing! Great pho­tos and excel­lent colour :)

  5. How beau­ti­ful the eyes are! I remem­ber my kids both hav­ing eyes of the same blue inten­si­ty when they were babies but they both changed as they got old­er. While their eyes are still blue, my daugh­ter has more of a gray hue and my son has a light blue eye col­or.

  6. One word…

    Nicely tak­en Jeff! Keep on mak­ing these very beau­ti­ful pic­tures!

  7. #3 was too good
    what i loved best about all the pic­tures was the way you got the eyes. stun­ning.

  8. @Sophia — Thanks! The colours were quite tricky to match with each shot because the sun kept com­ing in and out of the clouds, chang­ing the colour tem­per­a­ture.

    @Lucy — Apparently, all kids have eyes this colour until they grow old­er, some­thing I did­n’t know until recent­ly.

    @Pepijn — Thank you!

    @fathima — I can’t fig­ure out the expres­sion, but I like it nonethe­less. Perhaps because it looks like a com­plex emo­tion, instead of the most­ly basic expres­sions from babies.

  9. Beautiful pic­ture. Love it.

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