Sarah and Louise

Sarah and Louise kiss

There’s a tremen­dous bond between moth­er and daugh­ter, some­thing unmatched by fathers and sons, or even mixed-sex parental rela­tion­ships. You can see it just from the way they inter­act.

As a male, I’ll prob­a­bly nev­er be able to ful­ly under­stand, but being able to rec­og­nize it and know­ing that such a won­der­ful thing still exists is enough to make me feel as if the world is in the right place.

A cou­ple more pic­tures behind the cut.

Sarah and Louise laughing on the ground

Dramatic Sarah and Louise

Sarah and Louise with funny faces


  1. wow, that’s a lucky pair of peo­ple. I’ve only ever met a few daugh­ters and moms who enjoy each oth­er’s com­pa­ny.

  2. Mine was some­what pen­du­lant between this (iso­lat­ed occa­sions) and just want­i­ng to stran­gle my moth­er most of the time.

    On the glass half emp­ty side, remem­ber this is a YOUNG daugh­ter. Just wait!
    On the half full side, they do grow past even that when things are good in their child­hood. Sure envy peo­ple like that.

  3. @Pearl — Really? I would have thought it was a some­what nat­ur­al rela­tion­ship. I don’t have much expe­ri­ence about this myself.

    @Xibbe — I hear lots of things about the “ter­ri­ble teens”, most of it true, but I think Sarah will be an excep­tion. Louise is a gen­er­ous, kind, patient, and appre­cia­tive moth­er, and it shows in the way Sarah acts right now.

  4. Hey … I was just pro­cras­ti­nat­ing and look­ing at your pho­tos Jeff (they are so nice) … is this Kerry?! If so — Kerry was a proff of mine at Algonquin.

    Again — great pho­tos! I would love to have some more of Mark and I … if you ever want to take them … I think I can pur­suade Mark to go along — if I promise kiss­es :p

    • Hey Jen, this is actu­al­ly Louise, one of my co-work­ers. Maybe she knows a Kerry who looks just like her though…I’ll have to ask. :)

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