Channel Mixer

One of the pho­tog­ra­pher’s great­est assets is the nude mod­el. Without cloth­ing, there’s no chance for some­one to out­ward­ly project their per­son­al­i­ty. Only a human stripped to the bare essen­tials, naked to the world as the day they were born, pure and with­out bias.

This was an exer­cise in mix­ing mono­chro­mat­ic colour chan­nels to bring out details such as cuts, scars, stub­ble, and goose­bumps. Also, some good prac­tice in com­po­si­tion and fram­ing. Best viewed large and on black (so click the pic­tures1).







And, of course, it does­n’t hurt if he looks like he’s been carved out of mar­ble.

  1. Feed read­ers may have to vis­it the perma­link to take advan­tage of the black Lightbox script. []


  1. Those P.S‑iliac-spine dim­ples get me every­time.

    i love that you can see hints of the veins/arteries, of freck­les (like the one on his left glute espe­cial­ly) and the goose­bumps.… gave me goose­bumps!

  2. meh. Your neck to this guy’s abs any day, Jeff. However the pho­tos’ tex­tures are very nice indeed.

  3. @Tiana — That’s what I said when he dropped trou. He was get­ting me excit­ed, and that’s not sup­posed to hap­pen. That’s how fine this man is!

    @loo — I had to look up what P.S‑iliac meant. I only fig­ured out that it’s Post. Sac…what do they stand for?

    @xibee — Did you say neck? My dad would always make fun of my neck as being too fem­i­nine. You have some inter­est­ing taste.

  4. Posterior-Superior illi­ac Spines. PSIS

    It’s the bony process (bump) that caus­es those depres­sions on the skin in some­one who has strong para-spinals mus­cles (or is excep­tion­al­ly low in body fat) When some­one is in excel­lent shape, you’ll even notice the PIIS (infe­ri­or spines) slight­ly infer­o­me­di­al to the supe­ri­or ones.

    And i have to agree with xibee; your neck has so many great spots; the cer­vi­cal lor­do­sis end­ing per­fect­ly at your c7 or that great spot where your SCM meets your clav­i­cle (both the ante­ri­or and lat­er­al inser­tion points) to men­tion a cou­ple.

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