Yearly Archives: 2007

Lederhosen Lucil is Coming to Town


I just found out that Krista Muir, who’s alter-ego Lederhosen Lucil I fell in love with two years ago, is play­ing in a small stu­dio in town on Friday. Entrance dona­tion is $5. As much as I want to go to hear her new album (released today, fea­tur­ing ukule­les over Yamaha syn­the­siz­ers), my main rea­son would be to get some pic­tures of her. I nev­er get a chance to do con­cert pho­tog­ra­phy, and she has a play­ful per­son­al­i­ty with the cos­tumes she wears.

I’ll prob­a­bly bring my 15mm and 24–70mm lens­es, and be shoot­ing at f/2.8 and 1600 ISO the whole time. I would con­sid­er my 50mm f/1.8 prime just for that extra stop of light, but I lent it to Pat and primes are much less ver­sa­tile in such sit­u­a­tions.

Two years ago, I missed her only stop of her tour in this city, when I had to “coach” my team in lad­der match­es at the table ten­nis league. That made me a sad pan­da.

Just think­ing about going is mak­ing my stom­ach flut­ter. I may go to movies by myself, but I nev­er go to con­certs alone. The noise and crowds of con­certs make me espe­cial­ly uncom­fort­able (and over­stim­u­lat­ed), but a friend always helps me get over it. Unfortunately, no one else I know enjoys her music (which I would describe as fair­ly eso­teric), and I would­n’t put some­one through music they did­n’t enjoy. Added to this, I’ll be tak­ing pic­tures, which always makes me feel very self-con­scious.

Normally, I take a few weeks to men­tal­ly pre­pare myself for some­thing like this, but since it’s such short notice and the oppor­tu­ni­ty does­n’t come around often, I’m forc­ing myself to go.

I’m scared, and ner­vous, and excit­ed all at once.

Edit: I just noticed that my “sim­i­lar terms” cus­tom field, which auto­mat­i­cal­ly enters key­words from the entry to match words in the data­base and pull “relat­ed entries” on the left, includes the word “eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”. Hilarity.

You Caught Me Dancing

I always lis­ten to music when I’m in the bath­room, and I always dance when I’m alone.

Except you were in my room, look­ing in, and I was brush­ing my teeth to the beat. I don’t even remem­ber the song, I just know that it moved me, manip­u­lat­ing my joints and twitch­ing my bones like a mar­i­onette. Shoulders, hips, legs co-ordi­nat­ed like a shame­less drunk.

You asked. I denied.

And if you men­tioned it now, I still would­n’t admit it.

Pat and Jen's Wedding

Thumbnail: Before getting married

Though some­what hec­tic, every­thing worked out in the end for Pat and Jen’s wed­ding.


I missed the wed­ding rehearsal because I had to close the books for the month at work. I did­n’t get to Pat’s place until 9:30 that night, which went late into the morn­ing as loose ends were tied up, and Jason and I stayed up until 3:00 am to fin­ish the slide show.

The girls got even less sleep I’m sure; the last I saw them they were gig­gling in bed like a high-school sleep­over.

Before leav­ing for Jason’s place to stay the night (leav­ing the house for the girls), Pat gave me God of War 2 and Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal as gifts for being in the wed­ding par­ty.

Thumbnail: Kevin and me in the car
Thumbnail: The edge of downtown
Thumbnail: Groomsmen boutonniere
Thumbnail: Ken pins my boutonniere

In the morn­ing we woke up at sev­en, had some muffins and cof­fee, dec­o­rat­ed the cars, got dressed, and raced to the church.

Continue read­ing “Pat and Jen’s Wedding”…

Did You See the Face of God Tonight?

oh yes there’s many a man or woman
that’s been put in the insane asy­lum
when this has hap­pened to them
and they’re sit­ting there today, peo­ple think they’re insane
but they saw some­thing that’s real
and they see it when they’re on drugs
the only thing is they see it
not through the light of god

because when you see the face of god you will die

—Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Hung Over as the Queen In Maida Vale

I saw you through the win­dow, in a cof­fee shop with­out a cof­fee in your hand.

At first I won­dered why you were sit­ting so far away from your bags, as if you had put them down and for­got­ten where you were.

Then I real­ized that those bags were the sum of your pos­ses­sions, along with your pink Dora The Explorer hat, and soiled orange over­coat you wore in the mid­dle of a warm sum­mer night. Everything about you screamed crazy.

You played with your jelly­beans, tilt­ing them back and forth in the clear plas­tic bag, watch­ing them slide back and forth with eyes like stones in their sock­ets. You were lost to the world.


Then you got up and left. You wan­dered the street, paus­ing to peer in the win­dows of jew­el­ery stores where there was no jew­el­ery, like a child with­out a care in the world.

It made me won­der.

What got you high tonight?

Did you see the face of God tonight?