Pat's Bachelor Party

The best part of the bach­e­lor par­ty was­n’t the fact that it was Pat’s first time being drunk1. Or the fact that he was break danc­ing next to street musi­cians down­town (the video of which shall not be shown).

It was the fact that he was com­plete­ly off his guard, too drunk to remem­ber what hap­pened the next day, but he was the same old Pat: fun, friend­ly, and con­sid­er­ate2.

Imbibed by the great truth serum, when all the bad and angry thoughts have a chance to come out, we dis­cov­ered that there isn’t a spot of dark­ness in his soul.

He also said two affect­ing things, lucid in his drunk­en state.

The first, in slurred speech, he advised us bach­e­lors, “Find the right one. Just make sure you find the right one. She might not be the per­fect match, but she is the right one. Just remem­ber that. If you look for your per­fect match all your life, you might not find it. Just find the right one.”

The sec­ond was when he was going around the room, and he came to me: “Jeff, you too. You’re going to live a hap­py life. Sometimes it’s rough on the edges, but you know what’s good for you. You know what’s good for you, you know peo­ple will take care of you. Don’t wor­ry, man. You’re going to live a hap­py life.”

Life is rough on the edges”, he said. Not that my life is par­tic­u­lar­ly bad, I just don’t han­dle things very well, and this is often when I turn to him. It’s nice to hear from some­one — whose opin­ion which I respect great­ly — that things are going to be alright for me, that peo­ple will take care of me when things get bad.

Because I knew in my heart that when Pat said “peo­ple”, that includ­ed him­self.

  1. Not that Pat has any­thing against drink­ing, as he some­times has a beer with din­ner, he sim­ply does­n’t see the point to drink­ing to get drunk []
  2. About throw­ing up on Mike’s “nat­ur­al-oak, nat­ur­al-stain lam­i­nate floor”, or “wast­ing mon­ey” I spent for his hal­ibut din­ner []


  1. pat is awsome im so hap­py 4 him and hes right …hes 100% right about you about find­ing the right one and about how life is rough on the edges

    pat if u see this man con­grats and cheers wel­come to the club.…now help me find the door ;)

  2. Sometimes I won­der if Pat was talk­ing to me specif­i­cal­ly (even though he addressed us as a group) about find­ing the right one, since my “per­fec­tion­ist” atti­tude has so often got­ten in the way of my rela­tion­ships, roman­tic or oth­er­wise.

    I don’t remem­ber if you met him, but next time you’re in town, we should all go for din­ner togeth­er. Bring Mel too, cause I know Pat will bring Jen. ;)

  3. ya man i know pat remem­ber we play chess 2gether .…one day i will take him

  4. Right! At Aaron’s bach­e­lor par­ty. You bet­ter work on those chess skills, Pat’s still train­ing. He said you knew more than the aver­age per­son, so you have a bet­ter chance at beat­ing him than me.

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