A Trip to Zone Closer to Perfection

On a whim, I went to Zone after work. I’ve been in a dec­o­rat­ing mood late­ly. I spent about an hour in there, just gath­er­ing design ideas with what they had.

Thumbnail: Potpourri plate

Thumbnail: Potpourri plate closeup

I picked up a pin­cush­ion plate and some pot­pour­ri for my cof­fee table, replac­ing the glass bowl I had before, and lined it up with the edge of the chaise lounge.

Decorating my house has always been impor­tant to me, but I’ve nev­er rushed into it. Part of the rea­son why it’s so emp­ty right now is because I want to put up my own pic­tures, and I nev­er had enough with which I was sat­is­fied to fill the walls. I don’t want pho­tos of mem­o­ries — what I have at work — I want pic­tures that set a cer­tain mood. Another thing that makes it hard is that I’ve nev­er liked non-func­tion­ing dec­o­ra­tions; can­dles you’d nev­er burn, baubles that don’t do any­thing, knick-knacks that clut­ter shelves don’t make sense to me.

Part of me wants to go out and buy every­thing at once and be set­tled, but anoth­er part of me nev­er wants to fin­ish.

Otherwise, I’d lose the thrill of the hunt, and the plea­sure of adding anoth­er thing that’s just right to the right place.


  1. That is some fan­tas­tic pot­pour­ri. And that sen­tence looks a lot stranger on the screen than it sound­ed in my head. I under­stand what you mean about want­i­ng com­ple­tion and enjoy­ing the search for new, per­fect items. It is one of the things that I enjoy about mov­ing across the coun­try: one has to shed old items and cre­ate a new space.

  2. Thanks! I’d nev­er seen pot­pour­ri that large and dis­tinct before, so I had to pick it up. I’m not sure I share the same sen­ti­ment about mov­ing, but I can cer­tain­ly under­stand it as a way to start over when look­ing for the excite­ment of dec­o­rat­ing.

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