Sex and Chocolate

It’s a gen­er­al­ly accept­ed rule that sex is a good thing and choco­late is a good thing so by log­i­cal impli­ca­tion, sex and choco­late must be a very good thing.

I tied the red rib­bon from the box of choco­lates around her neck, the pen­dant a plas­tic heart.


  1. choco­late detec­tive omg .… the shape of caramel .…jef you are one of the fun­nyest ppl i ever met man ur clever,timeing and witt all roll into one real fun­ny man

    old video ?or can i be hap­py 4 u

  2. Even though peo­ple have told me the same thing before, I nev­er real­ly think of myself as being fun­ny; I sim­ply get along with peo­ple who have a cer­tain type of humour. Based on the things we watch, I think it’s safe to say we have the same sense of humour too. ;)

    It’s an old video. I’ve been a her­mit the last cou­ple of weeks, so I’m start­ing to crave social con­tact again and have been going through var­i­ous old footage in a fit of nos­tal­gia. You can still be hap­py that I have the expe­ri­ence and the mem­o­ry though. :)

    Going through past clips made me real­ize that I can’t use the same over-the-bed angle as I did for our oth­er video. I feel like it’s reserved, and noth­ing will ever look right from that angle.

    And I’m def­i­nite­ly going to play that game with her, even know­ing that I’ll get my ass kicked.

  3. I’m com­plete­ly lost but it sounds very intrigu­ing. Something like see­ing a sci-fi sex scene through a scrim. And hear­ing smack­ing sounds.

  4. Our voic­es are some­what muf­fled by the first vol­ume of Buddha Bar. It helps to turn the vol­ume up; words become some­what clear­er.

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