The Best Part Of My Day

She leans the chair back, my neck to rest in the cra­dle of the wash basin. The water comes out luke­warm. She knows it’s hot out­side.

Shampoo. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. In small cir­cles, her fin­gers work my scalp, mas­sag­ing with­out too much pres­sure, scratch­ing when there is no itch.

This is the best part of my day”, I say.

Mine too”.


  1. You have a great gift for cap­tur­ing a moment. I haven’t often had that expe­ri­ence, but the few times I have, it’s felt won­der­ful.

  2. She obvi­ous­ly was­n’t hav­ing an inter­est­ing day.


  3. @Scott — Thank you. Such moments are few and far between, but it makes one appre­ci­ate them all the more when they hap­pen.

    @CK — Neither was I, actu­al­ly.

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