Canada Day '07

Thumbnail: Brownies and oatmeal cookies

Thumbnail: Chaos stretches

Fresh veg­eta­bles and peanut but­ter on burg­ers. A low-key deal before leav­ing. I’m lucky enough to be one of the few.

It’s mad­ness out­side. Madness at the stops. Madness on the bus. People row­dy, drunk and drink­ing. People wear­ing Canadian, drink­ing Canadian, speak­ing Canadian, bear­ing the stan­dard on cheeks and arms and hats and bod­ies. Kids, kids throw­ing beer bot­tles out the win­dow, pour­ing Smirnoff ice in their emp­ty water con­tain­ers.

It’s passed mid­night, dark­ness out the win­dow, and reflec­tions press them­selves on me. She looks through me at him and I can see the love tri­an­gle in her smile.

Ambulances pass us by. People face-down on the ground. Police ques­tion­ing wit­ness­es.

Everyone’s at the same par­ty, but me.

Looking for some calm in this chaos, I turn up the vol­ume to drown them out.

you’ve got the lot to burn
a shelve of pig smoth­erd cries
is there a spir­it that spits
upon the exit of signs?

is any­body there? (spines in a row)
these steps keep on grow­ing long (spite as an arrow)
bay­o­net tri­als rust pro­pellers await


nobody is heard

But my calm is no less chaot­ic.


  1. I can see the love tri­an­gle in her smile” egad that’s a gor­geous line!

    People aren’t very char­ac­ter­is­ti­cal­ly Canadian on Canada Day. It’s more of a mar­di gras with­out the gras.

  2. You know, I nev­er real­ized that until you men­tioned it. Canadians pick the one day to cel­e­brate their her­itage by being as far removed from every-day Canadian cul­ture as pos­si­ble.

  3. Peanut but­ter on burg­ers! YES! You have good taste.

  4. That was­n’t me actu­al­ly, it was Aaron. He even had melt­ed cheese too. I’ll have to try PB on a burg­er some day, though with­out the dairy.

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