Give Me One More Day

I’ve been bit­ing off more than I can chew.

I used to enjoy my qui­et, lazy, relax­ing nights where I could sit down and write, but chances for cre­ativ­i­ty, expres­sion, socia­bil­i­ty have recent­ly been sprout­ing up every­where. These oppor­tu­ni­ties that don’t come around often, so I force myself to take the ini­tia­tive before they’re gone.



  1. There is a sea­son for dar­ing to lose bal­ance know­ing there is time for it to be restored?

    June things do ramp up as we spring­board off the win­ter and spring grey dol­drums.

    I com­fort myself with the worst case com­ic sce­nario that even should I knock myself out or melt down in the excite­ment of it all, at least my brain stem takes over auto­mat­ic breath­ing and reboots. ;)

  2. Could you rephrase your first sen­tence? I don’t quite under­stand the ques­tion.

    I think the entire con­cept of “spring clean­ing” is based on the same idea of spring­board­ing off the win­ter dol­drums. Let’s be thank­ful for our invol­un­tary reflex­es. :)

  3. rephrased: Sometimes to push myself beyond com­fort zone, flail­ing off bal­ance doing “too much” is ok. One is nev­er doing far too much for for­ev­er. Balance and cen­ter always comes back. I’m not sure I agree with myself but that’s the con­cept.

  4. That’s an inter­est­ing idea. Like one of those inflat­able dum­mies with a weight on the bot­tom: no mat­ter how you push them, they always spring back upright. I’d like to think that I fol­low the con­cept as well, but some days it’s a strug­gle to stay bal­anced.

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