Misery is a Missing a Blonde Redhead Concert (and a Butterfly)

There’s a Blonde Redhead con­cert tonight. I was going to head to Toronto to see it with Darren and we would have made it a week­end togeth­er, but the wed­ding rehearsal has tak­en pri­or­i­ty. I’ve been going through 23 since it came out last month, and it still feels a lit­tle for­eign. The songs don’t hit you in the gut or give you the same sense of lyser­gic bliss like ones from Misery is a Butterfly, but over­all it’s a decent album. Ironically, the lat­ter album is what I lis­ten to cheer myself up, but now it only serves as a reminder of what I’m miss­ing. I would have giv­en any­thing to be there.

My heart is in Toronto today.


  1. Misery is a Butterfly is prob­a­bly my favorite Blonde Redhead album, but I think 23 might come in a firm sec­ond. It’s a shame to miss the show, because they’re great live, I wish they were com­ing to my town.

  2. Woo, you’re the Guy. This is a furn blogt o read.

  3. @beth — I wish they were com­ing to my town too. I agree that 23 is a close sec­ond. My cous­in’s favourite is In An Expression of the Inexpressible, but I still think that they’ve only got­ten bet­ter with time.

    @Reno — Had a bit to drink, have we? :D

  4. Ironically, after post­ing that, they added a Cleveland date at the House of Blues. Not my favorite venue, but guar­an­teed great sound.

  5. Also, anoth­er date in Toronto for September! Unfortunately it’s a group con­cert; most like­ly they’ll only be play­ing two songs, so I have to decide if it’s worth it.

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