Letter To An Ex-Girlfriend: Bronwen

I love you too much baby
For you to be with me
I love you too much baby
I got­ta set you free

—Shea Seger, I Love You Too Much

You were the clos­est I’ve ever come to per­fect in a girl­friend. In fact, you raised the bar. Now I know there are girls out there who are fun­ny, intel­li­gent, open-mind­ed, car­ing, sane, and I’ll always be look­ing for the same now.

Making love to you was fun because you’re so damn cute. I loved to look into your eyes, though I wish you’d be able to keep yours open.

In so many ways, we worked. My love of dark choco­late and your love of milk choco­late meant that we’d nev­er have a prob­lem fin­ish­ing off an assort­ed box. You’re so easy-going, while I’m so uptight. All the lit­tle things, like puz­zle pieces made of clay.

Even though it’s been months since we’ve bro­ken up, our video is still by far the most played item on my iTunes playlist. It’s such a beat­i­ful mem­o­ry, and I’ll always cher­ish it.

I still miss those notes you used to leave me about what you did dur­ing the day and when you’d be back. Those times we’d take the bus, and you’d rest your head on my shoul­der. Those times we’d wres­tle and fall asleep in a pile, right there, from exhaus­tion.

I miss all these things, but the fact is that it did­n’t feel right, and it would­n’t be fair to either of us to keep going. You deserve to be with some­one bet­ter. Someone who will ful­ly appre­ci­ate you and the things you do.

I know I nev­er said it in our rela­tion­ship, but I loved you.

And I still do.

The Letter To An Ex-Girlfriend series

  1. Introduction
  2. Ashley
  3. Michele
  4. Christie
  5. Jackie
  6. Louise
  7. Bronwen


  1. Oh dear, now you’ve gone and made me cry.

    A beau­ti­ful let­ter. I hope she reads it some­day.

  2. Oh dear, you real­ly nev­er said it???
    How much more you have to expe­ri­ence and enjoy…

    You’ll be ready next time.
    You know what to change now. The right per­son will make enough of a dent that you’ll just have to give in.

  3. To be able to let go of that and let her fly. You must’ve trans­formed.

  4. @Erin — Thank you.

    @Xibee — It’s not that I’ve nev­er said it before, and it’s not that I was­n’t ready this time. I decid­ed to wait to see if it would last, so that they would mean more. The words are thrown around too much these days.

    @Causalien — I’m not sure about that. I’ve cer­tain­ly trans­formed, but I don’t think I have in this sense. Marrying the right per­son or not mar­ry­ing at all has always been my way.

  5. Letting go of some­thing good was hard for me. The first time I’d done it, I had to trans­form. The old per­son was­n’t able to grasp what let­ting go is.

    Maybe it’s dif­fer­ent for you.

  6. You made a deci­sion to let go. Even if it was a good thing, there was an even bet­ter rea­son you give it up. That’s how I see it. Doesn’t mean it’s easy though.

  7. I love you too! I feel like we were meant to meet and be friends for­ev­er.

  8. I like this one.

    Sometimes I feel this about my Lover. He will wake up one day and think I’m not right.

    I am on the oth­er side of the chasm.

    Will he realise that I am not good enough? Too dra­mat­ic? Too self­ish? Too imma­ture? Too high-main­te­nance? Too uptight?

  9. That’s an inter­est­ing idea. One of won­der, instead of inse­cu­ri­ty. You have a feel­ing of the poten­tial inevitable, yet you go on.

  10. my heart goes out 2 u. i‘m in a com­mit­ted rela­tion­ship where there is more love than any­thing phys­i­cal. we have bin dat­ing 4 4 years and even we have ups and downs like any oth­er cou­ple we have com­mu­ni­cate all the time. i know that there is some­body 4 evry1. i know jeff that there is a spe­cial per­son out there 4 u. i‘m sor­ry i dnt know u at all but ur blog real­ly touched me as i had that feel­ing wen i was sin­gle. the fun­ny thing is that even if we (me and my oth­er half) leave each oth­er we‘d b ask­ing 4 for­give­ness with­in min­utes if not sec­onds coz we can‘t live with­out each oth­er. u were say­ing that there r a lot of peo­ple who only think about them­selves in the world before oth­er peo­ple, those peo­ple don‘t have a heart. life goes on and we have to get on with our lives and help peo­ple wen they need it.

  11. This let­ter is more or less me.I have loved my girl for years and it has always been the best thing that real­ly hap­pened to me.it was just mag­i­cal, then sud­den­ly one after­noon she called me and said it was over.For me life has nev­er been the same.It’s over five years and i still miss her soooo much.I know how you feel and i pray we both find true love.I believe the right one is out there for us but i won­der how long we shall wait cause each day, it eats me up and it always feel like yes­ter­day.

  12. This must be joke. How could you have all those white girl­friends if you’re just an AZN dude?

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