New Hampshire: Part 4

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  1. For busi­ness
    It had become neces­si­ty to adapt these traits. Perhaps it is the first time you feel that every­one around you is your equal or bet­ter?

  2. Nope. I don’t com­pare myself to any­one. It would­n’t be fair because I’m the only one in mar­ket­ing while every­one else is in sales. I nev­er step foot in a clients office, so I don’t need to adapt these traits. Terms like “equal” or “bet­ter” are too broad; they would def­i­nite­ly be bet­ter at get­ting a sale, but I’d be bet­ter at com­ing up with art­work.

    I sim­ply ques­tion what I’m doing here every now and then because I feel like a fish out of water. The intro­vert in a room of extro­verts.

  3. I love this whole series, it’s awe­some. I’m jeal­ous of your cre­ativ­i­ty.

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