Meeting Tina

What can I say about Tina?

Fulcrum edi­tor. Dom lover. Farsi speak­er. Cadence Weapon lis­ten­er. Naughty girl dancer.

She’s cool. Certainly cool­er than me.

So when she asked if I want­ed to meet, it made me ner­vous. I’m not com­fort­able around cool peo­ple. I nev­er know how to act around them.

Tina has this laugh though, this girly, ebul­lient-but-not-annoy­ing laugh, that put me at ease. The way she express­es her­self betrays a sub­tle matu­ri­ty for her age. One of those peo­ple who knows what they want and where they’re going. Even with this matu­ri­ty, she retains a youth­ful fash­ion­abil­i­ty. She’s four years my junior but I nev­er felt like we lost each oth­er in con­ver­sa­tion, some­thing I find espe­cial­ly com­mon when talk­ing to peo­ple my age.

On the out­side we’re very dif­fer­ent. At our core, we have very sim­i­lar per­son­al­i­ties. Maybe this is why we got along so well.

Thumbnail: Tina laughs
Thumbnail: Tina jumps
Thumbnail: Tina runs

She oblig­ed me a few pho­tos so I could see if I could cap­ture her play­ful per­son­al­i­ty.

Thumbnail: Dolly attacks Tina
Thumbnail: Tina hugs dolly

It’s obvi­ous that she likes cats, and Dolly was no excep­tion. Normally, I take upwards of 200 snaps when I’m doing por­traits, but she was too dis­tract­ed by the cat rolling around on the floor between us for me to get more than 50.

Tina was the first per­son I’ve met through blog­ging from the Ottawa area. The next blog­ger I have to meet is Sikander. I think I saw him with Lunato walk­ing down Rideau once, but I was too shy at the time to intro­duce myself.


  1. ohh­h­h­hh you are too flat­ter­ing.

    hey *i* thought you were pret­ty cool, i mean hot dig­gi­ty damn you made me food! and speak­ing of which: thanks for hav­ing me over, giv­ing me food, and let­ting me tor­ture your cat. you are too nice, and i real­ly appre­ci­at­ed it all. it was a plea­sure to FINALLY meet you! :) espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the fact that we’ve been read­ing each oth­er’s blogs for years. oh yes, and thanks for all the info on pho­tog­ra­phy. it was very eye-open­ing and i now have a bet­ter sense of what i might get in feb­ru­ary (no, that does­n’t mean i’ve decid­ed… i’m still digest­ing it all!)

    we should def­i­nite­ly do this again some­time. per­haps at the end of decem­ber when all my exams and fam­i­ly xmas stuff has wrapped up, or in jan­u­ary.

  2. Awesome. Your pho­tos just keep get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter. I *love* these ones. What gor­geous shots. I’ll be meet­ing my first blog­ging friend in about 6 weeks. Wish me luck ;)

  3. @kiddo — Good to know you weren’t bored by all the pho­tog­ra­phy talk…let me know when you’re free in the new year, and we’ll include Dom too.

    @Bean — Thanks, and good luck!

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