The View Down Here

Thumbnail: View from my room

This is the view out my win­dow on the night of a snow­fall. The bed­rooms are in the base­ment, so I get a sub­ter­ranean look at my minia­ture lawn with pine tree, although the gar­den is now buried under 40cm of snow. There are the Moonlights, deprived of their charges from snow cov­er­ing their solar pan­els. There’s the A/C that cost me a month and a half salary.

A lit­tle box, out­lined by fence and porch, of my things.

I sleep with the blinds open in the win­ter because at night I see more this time of year than in the sum­mer. Snow makes the sky glow an ashen orange, a phe­nom­e­non I can’t myself explain. On some nights, it’s too bright to sleep and I have to mask my eyes, peek­ing out every few min­utes to make sure my win­ter par­adise is still out the win­dow until I fall asleep. When I feel espe­cial­ly sen­ti­men­tal, I leave the win­dow open a crack to let in the smell of ice and dry air.

The price of this plea­sure is at least three dead in weath­er relat­ed inci­dents across the province of Ontario.


  1. I love the orangy pink glow after a snow­fall.

    I think it’s lit­tle more than a deflec­tion of the towns lights on the bot­toms of clouds and snow. It’s been keep­ing me up here too, as it pen­e­trates even my blinds the past cou­ple of nights.

  2. Hi Jeff

    I’ve read your blog and I am impressed enough to give you a blog award. Yep, a full blown and very real award for blog design. Where design is the main cri­te­ria, we also look at con­tent, page lay­out and gen­er­al aethes­tics. This isn’t a gim­mick, I promise, check it out:


  3. Michael: Sounds like the case for a nice set of leather blinds. I’m con­sid­er­ing some myself.

    Gomedome: No thanks, I don’t do awards. Especially ones with Google ads on them, you whore.

  4. Beautiful pic. In Miami, the sky takes on weird, sur­re­al­is­tic glows too. At night, it’s always a mid­night shade of pur­ple — the only time it’s tru­ly black is after major hur­ri­canes…

  5. Jeff

    Why don’t you just delete my com­ment like an adult instead of get­ting into child­ish name call­ing?

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