Winter Has Come

Thumbnail: Cat snowprints

Thumbnail: Cozy comforts

Cats are always curi­ous in the snow. As they sniff, the touch of their noses melt the snowflakes, and their tongues come out to lick away the mois­ture. They cau­tious­ly walk into it and inspect their paws, won­der­ing how they sud­den­ly became wet.

As for me, I’m com­fort­able at home with a warm drink and the glow of my mon­i­tors. The week has me burned out nowa­days, and the week­ends have become the only time for me to relax, the only time I can enjoy the sun­light dur­ing the short­ened win­ter days. You can always rec­og­nize a win­ter sky by its pale­ness, caus­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly bright days and orange nights.

Christmas will be here soon. Vacation and trips home and fam­i­ly and the spir­it of the sea­son. Fall has come and gone. How does the time pass so quick­ly? Did I imag­ine I’d be here, at this stage in life, a year ago? Not at all.

I nev­er real­ized how much I missed the win­ter, until the snow start­ed falling.


  1. Very sweet post, Jeff. While we’ve had no snow yet, I can feel it in my bones that any time, it’ll come. And I’ll do as you are, with my cocoa at my com­put­er and enjoy watch­ing it fall.

  2. Cats are won­der­ful crea­tures to watch aren’t they? :)

    Thanks for vis­it­ing my blog. You’re quite the detec­tive. My cats did­n’t always rule me, but as we’ve aged togeth­er over 14 years there has def­i­nite­ly been a sub­tle pow­er shift.

    I drove out of the city tonight and enjoyed one of those won­der­ful orange sun­sets, shar­ing my iso­lat­ed spot with a young doe for part of the time.

    I hope you find this snowy week­end to be reju­ve­nat­ing.

  3. sweet post (^w^)

    there was snow here for a total of about two days with a tiny bit of hail, but sur­pris­ing­ly enough, it’s all gone now.… weird…

    any­ways, just a ran­dom per­son leav­ing you a mark~!

    and maybe more ran­dom to come~!


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