The Political Olympics

I don’t enjoy watch­ing the Olympics. The cov­er­age we get (exclu­sive­ly from the CBC), is shod­dy. There’s no pre-planned time sched­ule for match­es or events, so I nev­er know what’s going to be on when I have time to watch. There was also absolute­ly no cov­er­age of table ten­nis, which has already end­ed, most of the medals going to China. Why is this? I sus­pect because Canada basi­cal­ly had no chance of plac­ing in the top three, so why would the CBC want to show them? Well, more like­ly not even in the top five. Even Google gave table ten­nis props with one of their dai­ly ban­ners, and with 28 Olympic sports but only 16 days, 12 of those sports aren’t going to have ban­ners.

There are also so many pol­i­tics involved, with dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tions, dop­ing, judg­ing, etc., that every­thing just seems taint­ed. There’s also all the frus­trat­ing media cov­er­age in the mix, such as Perdita Felicien’s hur­dle dis­s­a­point­ment splat­tered on the front page of most papers while Ann Muenzer’s gold­en achieve­ment gets a sports sec­tion blurb. And with sports that don’t need to be in the Olympics (why have syn­chro­nized div­ing AND div­ing AND syn­chro­nized swim­ming?), there’s not much to keep my inter­est.


  1. Watching the American bas­ket­ball team lose their semi­fi­nal game will be a close­ly cher­ished mem­o­ry for years…

    My favourite part:

    Unlike the rest of the U.S. con­tin­gent, the NBA stars will stay on a yacht in the Mediterranean.”

    Maybe they thought they were on vaca­tion?

  2. GO USA.


    NO dream team this year.

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