I Mentally Outgrow My Clothes

Found a great stark red dress shirt at Banana Republic yes­ter­day that I want­ed to pur­chase right then and there, but unfor­tu­nate­ly I don’t have any mon­ey any­more. I’m flat out broke, going into debt for the first time in my life, unless I decide to take up a tem­po­rary job in January instead of going back to school. The first thing I’m going to buy when I get a job is new clothes. Running across that shirt gave me a great idea though; I’m going to try intro­duc­ing more reds into my wardrobe. I cur­rent­ly only have a maroon golf shirt, and most of my clothes don’t seem to match my cur­rent moods/outlook. The pre­vi­ous year has been very neu­tral kha­ki and navy blue, while the year before that was most­ly blacks and greys.

The only real down­side to con­stant men­tal change is that it seems like I’m out­grow­ing my wardrobe every year.

One comment

  1. i love shop­ping for men’s clothes (for my boyfriend, not for me). they are always a lot more fun to buy, a lot more prac­ti­cal, there are so many more options and you don’t have to be as picky.
    were you orig­i­nal­ly in school or were you going to be start­ing in jan­u­ary? i HATE not hav­ing mon­ey.. espe­cial­ly at this time of the year when heat bills and car gas and all those fun lit­tle neces­si­ties go up in price and quan­ti­ty.
    oh, and have fun in hong kong!!

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