Getting Into TFC Again

I’ve decid­ed to take a break from The Frozen Throne because the game has become no fun for me. The only thing that I could real­ly sit down and play for hours with­out sleep or rest was TFC for Half-Life. I woke up rest­less some­time this morn­ing and decid­ed to give TFC anoth­er shot, from a two year hia­tus. After join­ing a ran­dom 2Fort serv­er, I sniped for about an hour, and every­thing felt so com­fort­able. Sniping was the only thing from any game that I was ever actu­al­ly good at, and although I was pret­ty rusty, I still man­aged a decent kill/death ratio. All the the­o­ry behind good snip­ing has become sec­ond nature to me, but my untrained hand-eye co-ordi­na­tion lim­it­ed my skills con­sid­er­ably. Someone did accuse me of cheat­ing though, so my expe­ri­ence has­n’t com­plete­ly left me.

I might con­sid­er set­ting up a ded­i­cat­ed serv­er run­ning 24/7, so that I can join some­thing quick­ly with a low ping, although such a thing would be a vio­la­tion of the con­tract of my ISP. Running a serv­er would allow me to con­trol exact­ly what maps I want to play and who I can kick or ban. I also would­n’t be scared of being kicked myself by peo­ple who think I’m cheat­ing.

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